I wish studying for an exam was as easy as remembering lyrics.

 Hi guys !! How are y'all ?!?! How many of them have " Examinophobia "?? I guess, lot of them. Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.We should avoid the fear for exam .Too much pressure is superfluous. We should face it . I would like to give some tips for avoiding the exam stress .

1. Take breaks ! It can lead to breakthroughs. Do things that make you feel good. It’s okay to take a break. Relax and entertain yourself . Feel comfortable . Chat , watch movies , sing , dance and feel energetic .

2. If you're disordered or have some doubts , feel free to ask your friends,parent or the google !  Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer. 

3.  Don't make things too complicated . We make it hard . We just tend to complicate things . All the great things are simple .

4. Don't try to control things .You can't control everything . You must learn to let it   go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway.Keep it simple by knowing you may not be able to always control what goes on outside, but you can always control what goes on within yourself.

5. Don't fret . Stop worrying .Worrying can complicate things .Most of the things you worry about ,don't even happen .

6. Some can concentrate more during the morning , some feel comfortable to study during then night . Study whenever you want , but get enough sleep .

7. Don't compare !! Stop comparing yourself to others . Nobody else could be you . There's no comparison between the sun and moon . They shine when it's their time .

8. Don't loose focus and try to be organized . Concentrate . The power of focus allows us to simply do what we need to do for ourselves. 

I hope you like it . Thanks a ton for reading my post !!! My next post would be 'THIS OR THAT ' session . Please do leave your questions along with your feedback .


  1. Nice post!! Very helpful. Keep going.

  2. Hey! Nice post. It is very helpful. But i don't fear for exam. Even though i don't fear, this tips are useful. I always wanted to know how to relax before exam. Thank you so much. Keep going. Soooo eager for your next post. Longing to see you.
    With love,

  3. Whoa! Nice one
    This or that๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”!! Alright here goes the questions๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—:
    1. Melodies or raps
    2. Sing or dance
    3. Alone or public
    4. Dates or days ( I mean which would you check/ask for)
    5. Black or white
    6. Netflix or amazon prime ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜ณ
    7. Like to answer or ask questions
    That's it ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… hope you answer all!!!

    1. Thank you so much !!! I will surely answer them !

  4. Neither than answers the most I recall is song lyrics. hahaha... will keep your tips in mind and perform well in my exams. If you have time visit my blog about fear which will make you interesting

  5. These were really amazing tips!!!
    My "This or That" questions:
    Dog or Cat?
    Netflix or YouTube?
    Phone Call or Text?
    Toast or Eggs?
    Morning or evening?
    Summer or winter?
    Library or museums?
    Comedy or horror?
    Phone or Laptop?

  6. Hey, its awesome!!
    My trick in understanding lessons is I sing my lessons which automatically gets into my brain.=D
    Questions for 'this or that':
    Pizza or Pasta?
    Big Boss or Songs?
    Haunted house or house full of screaming babies?
    A long walk or a short nap?
    Reading books or watching TV ?
    Hope u answer it=)

    1. Nice trick ! Thank you so much for the comment . I'll surely answer your questions .

    2. Hey!! Questions for this or that session:
      Online classes or coming to school
      watching shows or movies
      naughty sister or a naughty brother
      drawing or coloring
      math or science (in school subject)
      typing or writing (assignments)
      vanilla or strawberry
      pizza or burger
      chatting with friends or studying(in exam times)
      photography or gardening
      Hope you answer,

    3. Sure ! Thank you for the questions


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